Daniel Kokoszka on August 18, 2016
Gravel Segment
From Old Croton Trailway State Park, Yonkers to Old Croton Trailway State Park, Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York
No description provided.
8.59 miles
92 ft minimum
171 ft maximum
535 ft gain
505 ft loss

100% gravel

2 images

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 Dale Hall
on June 17, 2024
I'm glad this trail exists, but to be honest, it's not that fun to do after the novelty wears off. There are constant blind street crossings forcing you to stop and wait for cars (often with no curb cuts, so be ready to bunny hop), lots of narrow and overgrown sections (sometimes you're literally riding on grass), trash and broken glass especially around Yonkers, etc. There are nice sections but overall it's a pain.
on October 24, 2017
Rode this on Saturday. Nice gravel sections and occasional rocky parts but easy to navigate and fun to ride. I was the only one on Cx bike with 3 others on Road bikes. Quite accessible and ez to navigate.